The Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him) goes to her and informs her of what her father the Messenger of Allah (Allah's prayers be upon him and upon his holy Household) said, and ask her to come to the position of intercession. Then he asks her, saying:" O Fatima, What do you have from the intercession tools? And what have you saved for this day of Great Dread?"
Lady Fatima (peace be upon her) replies: "O Commander of the Faithful, for this position, it is sufficient for us the two cut hands of my son al-Abbas!"
In this narration, a clear evidence that the Almighty Allah accepted the two cut hands of Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon him), which were cut for His sake and to support His religion and His Guardian Imam al-Hussayn (peace be upon him).
The narration also indicated the high position of he whose hands were cut for the sake of the Lord in the heart of Lady Fatima az-Zahra (peace be upon her), as she said: "my son al-Abbas" stating that her intercession tool on the Day of Great Dread is his two cut hands.
In one of the narrations: "Saint az-Zahra (peace be upon her) will be holding on the Day of Judgement on her right shoulder the shirt of her son Imam al-Hassan (peace be upon him), on her left shoulder the shirt of her son Imam al-Hussayn (peace be upon him) and between her hands a dish in which there is her foetus al-Mohassen (peace be upon him). Then Gabriel (peace be upon him) will ask her: "O Lady of all women, by what will you start for the intercession? Is it by your baby al-Mohassen? She replies: No. Then he asks her: Is it by the killing of you Cousin Ali Ibn Abi Taleb? She replies: No. Then he asks: Is it by the killing of your son Al-Hassan? She replies: No. Then he asks: Is it by the killing of your son Al-Hussayn? She replies: No. Then he asks her: By what will you start O Zahra? It is then when az-Zahra will take out the hands of Aba Al-Fadl Al-Abbas saying: O You The Most Just, O The Most Wise! Judge between me and those who have cut these hands! What is the guilt of these hands to be cut from the wrist?" Source: Kanz al-'Ummal, Jame' al-Fawa'ed and the book of the stories of Fatima az-Zahra (peace be upon her).
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